Prevention Strategies for Elder Abuse

“Different kinds of elder abuse situations may need different kinds of prevention strategies. These are some examples (not an exhaustive list) of prevention strategies being implemented in many communities: Abuse Registries & Criminal Background Checks, Addressing Ageism, Advance Planning Tools, and Public Awareness”

Statistics and Data from the National Center on Elder Abuse

“This page includes information on the growing population of older adults in the U.S. and provides the following data about elder abuse: challenges in elder abuse research, research definitions, incidence and prevalence, risk factors, perpetrators, adults with disabilities, adults with dementia, residents of long-term care settings, general impact, and interventions.”

Working with Victims Ages 50-62

“An overview of the unique issues faced by older survivors and the lack of services for victims ages 50 – 62 years old. Video presenters: Ann Turner, Alice Ghareib, and LaTrice Hogan. Produced by the National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life (NCALL) and Terra Nova Films.”