
Supporting Crime Victims with Disabilities Online Training Toolkit
Vera Institute of Justice
October 2020
This toolkit was designed to provide comprehensive and culturally responsive informational and educational resources, tools, videos, and examples of best practices for law enforcement, forensic interviewers, victim advocates, and others to prepare them to effectively respond to victims of crime with disabilities across the lifespan.
Guide to Disability Rights Laws
US Department of Justice Civil Rights Division
February 2020
This guide provides an overview of Federal civil rights laws that ensure equal opportunity for people with disabilities.
Make Victim Services Accessible
Office for Victims of Crime (OVC)
September 2012
There are three types of accessibility, and they are all intertwined: Attitudinal accessibility, Physical accessibility, Programmatic accessibility.
Child Victims with Disabilities: A Guide for Prosecutors
Zero Abuse Project
April 2022
This guide instructs prosecutors in the issues that must be addressed in their interactions with and accommodations for children with disabilities in various phases of the prosecution of cases of alleged child abuse.
Commonly Asked Questions About the ADA and Law Enforcement
US Department of Justice Civil Rights Division
February 2020
This document offers common sense suggestions and examples to assist law enforcement agencies in complying with the ADA
Intimate Partner Homicide Prevention
January 2016
This collection provides: National and statewide homicide statistics that help illustrate the scope of the problem; an overview of tools and strategies for assessing danger or the risk of lethality in domestic violence cases; recommendations and approaches for utilizing the fatality review process to prevent intimate partner homicide; and more.
Rejection Killings: Dangers Women Face When Telling Men “No”
CBS News
March 2024
“Last week two 19-year-old twin sisters were attacked in Brooklyn after police say they refused to give their number to a 20-year-old man who approached them. The incident shocked community members and is calling attention to a bigger issue surrounding the harsh realities many women face when saying no to men."
Gun Violence Prevention Through The Public Health Lens: History, Intersectionality & Interventions
American Public Health Association
August 2024
This webinar explores gun violence in the U.S and shares a comprehensive public health approach to addressing the complexity of the growing crisis. Presenters review the historical, structural, social and political determinants of health that contribute to gun violence.
Indigenous Women, Girls, 2Spirit: Grassroots Organizing, Healing, And Recess
Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs
May 2021
“First in WCSAP’s 2021 Keynote Series, Theda New Breast from the Native Wellness Institute, gives her talk on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and 2Spirit Awareness Day. She discusses grassroots organizing, healing work, and self-care “recess”.”
Black Women Are Six Times More Likely To Be Killed Than White Women, Data Reveals
NBC News
February 2024
In the U.S., Black adult women are six times more likely to be killed than their white counterparts, troubling new data reveals...Black women living in Midwestern and Northeastern states were also more likely to be killed by a firearm, the paper found.
Homicide and Grief
Victim Connect
This short web-article discusses grief in the context of being a homicide survivor and gives suggestions for addressing the grief.
Ask The Experts
Parents of Murdered Children
This list of experts is available to answer field-specific questions in the areas of legal, law enforcement, victim rights, etc. An archive of previous questions also exists for viewing.
Michigan Services For Survivors Of Homicide
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS)
A list of organizations throughout Michigan that serve and support survivors of homicide.
A Quick Reference Guide For Families Of Missing Indigenous Women: What To Do In The First 72 Hours
National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center (NIWRC)
January 2024
This guide was designed to assist families and advocacy organizations in responding when a Native woman goes missing. It provides information about immediate steps that can be taken in the first 72 hours after a person goes missing, especially where the law enforcement response is non-existent or non-responsive
Prevention and Response to Homicide
July 2024
In this month's compilation, we have pulled together resources and trainings that shed more light on the topic of homicide, including gun violence, homicide and intimate partner violence, the higher risk of homicide for Black women, how to support survivors, and more.
Responding to Abuse in Later Life
June 2024
This month, we created a complication of recent resources and trainings centered around abuse in later life, including how to identify and respond as advocates.
Responding to Abuse in Later Life: The Role of Forensic Nurses
National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life (NCALL)
June 2023
This webinar overviews elder abuse and dives into the victim and healthcare provider perspectives on cases of abuse in later life, particularly how forensic nurses can identify and intervene in a trauma-informed way.
Response to Elder Abuse: A Self-Assessment Workbook Series
National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life (NCALL)
November 2022
This set of self-assessment tools is meant to assist communities in evaluating practices within and across key intervening agencies and in building a coordinated response to elder abuse.
Preventing and responding to domestic and sexual violence in later life
October 2023
By focusing specifically on domestic and sexual violence (DV/SV) in later life, these resource materials highlight the complexities of older adults' DV/SV experiences and emphasize collaborative and multi-pronged approaches to addressing DV/SV in later life.
Caregiving Chronicles: Lived Experiences and Life Edits
National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA)
November 2023
This webinar includes insights from acclaimed journalists and caregivers who are amplifying the voices and experiences of caregivers, discover how practitioners can better integrate culturally sensitive and responsive approaches to support caregivers, and learn how to recognize signs of elder mistreatment.
Collaborating for Justice for Older African Americans: A Guide
National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life (NCALL)
September 2023
The aim of this guide is to equip multidisciplinary elder justice partners to build stronger and more equitable collaborations with African American community-based and culturally-specific programs. This guide offers strategies to promote elder justice in culturally-specific ways.
Trauma-Informed Practices to Address Abuse and Build Resilience
National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA)
June 2023
This panel webinar will discuss the cumulative and complex trauma histories of diverse older adults, how trauma relates to elder abuse, and strategies to provide culturally responsive and trauma-informed support.
Let's Talk About Mental Health
May 2024
This month, we created a complication of recent resources and trainings centered around mental health, including how to talk about it, how to support family members and advocates, and how it is sometimes seen intersecting in our work.
Resources for Families Coping with Mental and Substance Use Disorders
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Association (SAMHSA)
March 2023
Being able to offer support, family members can connect those in need with treatment, resources, and services to begin and stay on their recovery journey. This resource holds resources for family members around how to start the conversation about mental illness and substance use, including videos, talk sheets, and more.
Family Members and Caregivers: Mental Health
National Alliance on Mental Health
This resource collection from NAMI addresses topics relevant to family members and caregivers of those who experience mental illness, including resources around supporting that family member and maintaining the relationship, taking care of yourself, crisis prevention, and additional support.
Let’s Talk: Confronting Mental Health Stigma in the Black Community
National Runaway Safeline
December 2023
In this episode, National Runaway Safeline discusses the stigma surrounding mental health within the Black community, the emotional toll of code-switching, and the personal journeys of Amea Smith and Antonio Davis-Robinson.
How can advocates better support survivors within marginalized communities in addressing their mental health needs?
March 2024
Recommendations and tangible resources to help advocates in the gender-based violence movement better support survivors within marginalized communities in addressing their mental health needs.
Advocating at the Intersections of Domestic Violence, Trauma, and Substance Use Coercion
National Indigenous Women's Resource Center (NIWRC)
April 2023
This session will demonstrate Accessible, Culturally Responsive, and Trauma-Informed approach to supporting survivors experiencing trauma and substance use coercion.
Promoting Sexual Assault Healing Services to Men
National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC)
February 2024
This webinar from the National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) and Just Detention International (JDI) suggests how you can communicate about sexual violence as something that men experience, and about what services are available at your sexual program for men who are survivors.
Supporting Men in Healing from Sexual Violence: Tip Sheets
National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC)
January 2024
These tip sheets for advocates and providers discuss many of the intersections at play when working with male sexual violence survivors on their healing journey.
MenHealing Webinar Series Session 1: Men As Survivors
National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC)
February 2024
This first session discussed sexual harm and how it affects everyone, how our biases create barriers for the male survivors we work with, how the societal definition of being a man doesn’t always fit with the societal definition of a “typical survivor”, and the importance of creating space.
Preventing Sexual Assault Together: The Power of Community Engagement
National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC)
September 2023
This podcast is a conversation with Kelly Mays and Sara McGirr about the process used and findings from an equity focused sexual assault community assessment process in Michigan. They discussed practical lessons and tools that can be used to increase community engagement, build authenticity, and strengthen trust and connections
Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse
Pennsylvania Coalition to Advance Respect
April 2023
This guide overviews child sexual abuse and grooming, discusses the lasting effects on adult survivors, explains how adult survivors can navigate healthy relationships after childhood sexual abuse, and talks about how to support adult survivors.
Centering AANHPI Survivors: Recommendations for Campus and Title IX Administrators
Asian Pacific Institute on Gender-Based Violence (APIGBV)
August 2022
Topics included are: On-campus prevention, Cultural stigma, Limitations of resources and support, Culturally specific and safe resources, Barriers faced by international students, Barriers surrounding Title IX, and Community retaliation.
Michigan Community Sexual Violence Prevention Assessment: Findings
Michigan Public Health Institute (MPHI)
January 2023
The findings of this assessment are about the experiences of Black, Native, LGBTQ+, and Disability communities in Michigan related to four key community and societal level protective factors determined and defined by collaborators: (1) Community connectedness, (2) Economic supports, (3) Community safety, and (4) Bodily Autonomy
How to Support LGBTQ Victims and Survivors of Sexual Violence
Trevor Project
September 2023
This brief web-article talks about the importance of active listening, allyship, empowerment, and resilience. It offers LGBTQ-friendly survivor support resources.
Housing for Prevention: Series Recap
National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC)
December 2023
Speakers draw connections between the conversations in each of the three housing episodes and share their insights, highlighting the many ways prevention is linked to housing. This included how social determinants of health, housing, and community are interlinked and are tied into experiences of sexual violence.
Take Action: Healthy Sexuality
Esperanza United
This informative and engaging web-based guide is a useful tool for parents and guardians about how to talk to their children about healthy sexuality, including healthy communication, expressions of sexuality, boundaries, respect, and more.
Supporting LGBTQ Youth Is Violence Prevention
November 2020
This paper explores these LGBTQ+ pathways to polyvictimization, but also—and more importantly—discusses simple and effective ways victim service providers, school personnel, and members of the general public can intervene and make a huge difference.
Stopping It Where It Starts: Disrupting the LGBTQ Polyvictimization Pathway in Childhood
June 2019
This webinar discusses how victim service professionals recognize that members of the LGBTQ community often experience polyvictimization, but experiences of bullying are reported both at schools and home.
Preventing and Responding to Teen Dating Violence
January 2019
This collection provides general information about TDV then provides more information about TDV with young people, bystanders, parents and caregivers, men and boys, and service professionals. It concludes with TDV-related legislation and program suggestions.
A Guide for Community Youth Advocates to Support Latin@ Survivors
Esperanza United
December 2023
This tool will serve to equip community youth advocates with culturally-responsive strategies to navigate systems to support youth Latin@ survivors of IPV, increase knowledge of barriers to improving the health of Latin@ survivors of IPV, and mobilize advocates to promote holistic and sustainable support within families and communities.
Healing from abusive relationships: For teens and young adults
Idaho Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence
January 2021
Young people from underserved rural communities experience teen dating violence at disproportionate rates. This booklet is for domestic and sexual violence service providers or counselors who are serving young people who have experienced abuse.
Exploring The Cultural Contexts Of Consent In AANHPI Communities
Asian-Pacific Institute on Gender-Based Violence (API-GBV)
April 2023
This report explores how consent and boundaries are understood and practiced in AANHPI contexts, highlights how gender expectations and the need to respect certain individuals make it hard to establish boundaries, and presents recommendations for advocates and educators.
What Is Child Welfare? A Guide for Disaster Preparedness and Response Professionals
Child Welfare Information Gateway
December 2021
This factsheet provides an overview of basic child welfare services, describes how disaster preparedness and response and child welfare professionals can support one another's disaster preparedness efforts, and offers additional resources for more information.
Let’s Talk: Invisible Disabilities
National Runaway Safeline
November 2023
Children with disabilities experience higher rates of abuse and neglect, which is one risk factor for youth homelessness. This podcast between National Runaway Safeline Youth Advisory Board members EJ Velez & Rachel Litchman discusses invisible disabilities and navigating the healthcare system as a young person experiencing homelessness.
Parenting Children and Youth Who Have Experienced Abuse and Neglect
Child Welfare Information Gateway
November 2018
This factsheet is intended to help parents (birth, foster, and adoptive) and other caregivers better understand the challenges of caring for a child or youth who has experienced maltreatment and learn about available resources for support.
Separating Poverty From Neglect in Child Welfare
Child Welfare Information Gateway
February 2023
This issue brief explores what the research shows about the overlap among families experiencing poverty and those reported to the child welfare system for neglect, the societal context within which both poverty and neglect exist, and strategies that have proven effective for preventing and addressing both poverty and neglect, together.
Grooming: Know the Warning Signs
July 2020
One tool common to those who sexually abuse kids is grooming: manipulative behaviors that the abuser uses to gain access to a potential victim, coerce them to agree to the abuse, and reduce the risk of being caught. While these tactics are used most often against younger kids, teens and vulnerable adults are also at risk.
What Is Child Welfare? A Guide for Domestic Violence Services Advocates
Child Welfare Information Gateway
December 2020
This guide provides an overview of basic child welfare services, describes how domestic violence services advocates and child welfare professionals can support one another’s efforts in working with families, and presents resources for more information.