What is the Advocate Directory and How To Use It?

With high turnover rates and ever-changing email addresses, it can be difficult to keep tabs on crime victim advocates in Michigan. MiVAN created the Advocate Directory to provide a private search to help advocates keep in touch with their favorite service providers and connect with new ones.


What is the Advocate Directory?

Think of the MiVAN Advocate Directory like your phone’s contacts. But, what if all your professional contacts were always up to date, without you doing a thing? Wouldn’t that be nice! Not to brag, but we think our Directory is a better way to find, and keep, professional connections.

The MiVAN Advocate Directory:

  • Only includes Michigan advocates registered on MiVAN
  • Is private: only advocates who are logged in and have an account can view profile information
  • Is searchable: Filter through user profiles by name, agency, role, victimization type, county, and more


Our products are designed for Michigan advocates and we want to maintain the trust we’ve built with our network over the years. Because we respect our users’ privacy, everyone’s profile was set to the highest privacy level, “hidden” when the directory launched. Your information is not public or searchable if you did not opt-in to a different privacy setting.

Opt-in to the directory and get connected! Edit your Profile to select a new Advocate Directory Privacy Setting (Basic or Extended), to have your information become searchable for other advocates. The table below shows what information your profile will show based on the privacy setting you choose.

Learn more.

Privacy Settings

Hidden Basic  Extended 
First and Last Name  First and Last Name   First and Last Name 
Email  Email  Email 
Work Phone  Work Phone  Work Phone 
Agency  Agency  Agency 
Agency County  Agency County  Agency County 
Agency Role  Agency Role  Agency Role 
Type of Victimization Served  Type of Victimization Served  Type of Victimization Served 


Search other advocates by the type of work they do, their geographic area, or their agency, to name a few. Plus, use multiple filters to narrow down your options. Explore today!

filter options

Get networking!

Edit my profile settings or Explore the Directory

For more specific info on how to use the directory, check this out: How to Update Profile and Use Directory

Have questions or having trouble? Feel free to Contact Us.

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