White Nonsense Roundup
WNR was created by white people, for white people, to address our inherently racist society.
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WNR was created by white people, for white people, to address our inherently racist society.
An open source starter guide to help you become a more thoughtful and effective ally.
“…being born with white skin in America affords people certain unearned privileges in life that people of other skin colors simply are not afforded.”
“There is always more we can do to fight white supremacy and racial injustice.”
Recorded “Mindful Meditations” by Diana Winston for the UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center.
This resource describes 7 steps to guide your self-care journey.
This Facebook group provides a safe, feminist space for anti-violence advocates to support each other by sharing self-care strategies.
Resources that provide the knowledge and skills necessary for organizations to address the vicarious trauma needs of their staff.
This paper is about vicarious trauma, a normal response to repeated exposure and empathetic engagement with traumatic material.
Resources on Secondary Traumatic Stress developed by the NCTSN.
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