PAAM Victim Rights Training Unit

“We focus on areas where additional information and training is needed to adequately and appropriately address the needs of victims in the State of Michigan. We consistently provide access to comprehensive and quality services and we strive to support, improve and replicate promising practices in the field of victim’s rights and services across the State of Michigan.”

Crime Victim Compensation

“The Crime Victim Services Commission (CVSC) Compensation Program may help crime victims, who sustained a personal physical injury, and their immediate families with the financial costs of crime. Costs that may be eligible include medical treatment, counseling, funerals, crime scene clean-up, grief counseling and loss of income or support not paid by other sources.”

UMOJA Community Care Corner

“UMOJA Community Care Corner is an opportunity for individuals who identify as having experienced oppression or marginalization in our culture or our movement, to practice self-care, to share successes, to receive support, a way to network, or just to simply check-in and chat. Our Community Care Corner hours are held every Wednesday between 1 pm – 3 pm”