Earned Income Tax Credit and Other Tax Credits

This collection highlights key resources for the EITC, the Child Tax Credit, Health Coverage Tax Credits, and others. It includes general information and fact sheets, reports and research, information about how tax credits affect eligibility for other federal benefits, resources to access state specific statistics and contact information, and resources specific to four underserved populations.

Domestic Violence Awareness Project

“Raising awareness involves efforts to increase knowledge or reshape cultural norms or false perceptions about gender-based violence. This includes educating ourselves and those in our communities about healthy relationships, the dynamics of abuse, and the root causes of gender-based violence.”

national network to end domestic violence orange house logo

Financial Abuse Toolkit

The Financial Abuse Toolkit from NNEDV provides a multitude of helpful resources to aid survivors and advocates, including general resources about financial abuse, a financial literacy curriculum, and resources specific to service providers.

Communities Against Hate

Communities Against Hate is a national initiative to collect data and respond to incidents of violence, threats, and property damage motivated by hate around the United States. Communities Against Hate aims to aggregate data on hate incidents, providing legal and social support, raising awareness, and educating the public on the prevalence of hate.