When the Batterer Is a Law Enforcement Officer
Detailed guide to prepare advocates for the complexities victims face when their batterer is a police officer.
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Detailed guide to prepare advocates for the complexities victims face when their batterer is a police officer.
Brief overview of the current and expanding evidence behind best practices in helping domestic violence survivors obtain safe and stable housing.
Detailed guide from the National Sexual Violence Resource Center.
This toolkit is designed to provide materials and resources for organizations to use when developing or implementing the DVHF approach.
Website that provides useful resources and tools to advance work at the critical intersection of domestic violence, sexual assault, homelessness, and housing.
A manual for developing support groups for women coping with substance abuse, interpersonal violence, and trauma.
A Toolkit for Screening, Assessment, and Brief Counseling in Primary Care and Behavioral Health Settings
This fact sheet was developed in collaboration with domestic violence project advocates from across the country who brought questions they struggle with daily in their work with families.
This toolkit provides information on how trauma from domestic violence impacts children, and how best to serve these children’s needs.
This guide provides an overview of basic child welfare services and lists resources for more information.
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