Sex Ed for Individuals with I/DD
The National Council on Independent Living’s new project helps people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) learn about sex.
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The National Council on Independent Living’s new project helps people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) learn about sex.
Earlier this year, MiVAN released two Paper to Practice videos on vicarious trauma in advocacy. We love that advocates are finding these videos useful and informative, and we’re here to facilitate continued learning on this important topic! We’ve rounded up 10 more great webinars on vicarious trauma to keep the conversation going.
“This panel discussion, appropriate for all levels, will explore some of the reasons for that fear and distrust and will address best practices for attorneys and advocates navigating systems with their immigrant survivor clients.”
“This webinar will explore what it means for a CVI program to be trauma-responsive for both participants and staff. It will provide examples of programs that are doing this well.”
“Gun violence may be the most discussed topic surrounding school safety, but it is by no means the only one. Bullying, school climate, and mental health affect students across the country, and are some of the many other issues that NIJ researches.”
“This webinar will focus on the intersection of trauma and intellectual and developmental disabilities (e.g., autism, ID, FAS, etc.).”
“Though abusive intimate partners who stalk are also more likely to be sexually violent, physically violent, and/or commit homicide than those who do not stalk, stalking victimization is often overlooked within abusive relationships.”
“This training is for rural SARTs developing strategies for strengthening the medical forensic responses.”
“Person-centeredness is important in elder abuse cases for several reasons. Promoting choice in older adults improves health, emotional state, and overall wellbeing. … And, crucially, person-centeredness is important because protection of adults at the cost of honoring preferences can be damaging, even deadly.”
“The fate of LGBTQ people in the U.S. is bound up with that of other marginalized groups, all of whom are threatened by the Supreme Court’s shifting of the goal posts of our democracy. Carl Charles will discuss current developments in LGBTQ legal advocacy and engage with audience members on their questions, concerns, and ways to get involved.”
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