training and technical assistance for courts on dating violence logo of white heart in red bubble

Adolescent Brain Development and Dating Violence Webinar

Understanding Adolescent Brain Development in Teen Dating Violence Cases March 29, 3:00-4:30pm EST National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges Link to view webinar recording. This webinar is part of the Teen Dating Violence Judicial Training and Technical Assistance Project. The 90-minute presentation will provide participant judges with a brief overview of brain development…

USTCDGI logo of bird with wings spread holding the earth

Community of Practice Virtual Gathering

National Crime Victims’ Rights Week and Victims’ Rights in Tribal Communities March 23, 3:00pm EST Unified Solutions Tribal Community Development Group Unified and Tribal Victim Service Programs held an interactive discussion on National Crime Victims’ Rights Week (NCVRW) and Victims’ Rights in Tribal Communities. Discussion included federal Victims’ Rights, developing Tribal Victims’ Rights Codes, and…

Name That Tune! – Integrating Music into Senior Fraud Education

“From a learning theory perspective, research on arts integrated learning has shown benefits related to memory and recall; engagement; and may provide a relaxed atmosphere more conducive to learning. In terms of inclusion, the format of the game and conferencing software functionality allow for “phone only” players to participate as well. Perhaps most important, we came to learn that participants just really have a lot of fun participating in this activity.”

Prevention tool of the month: Respect Effect

“Respect Effect is an app that encourages young people to build healthy relationship skills by completing daily challenges with their significant others, friends, and families. Users can share their completed challenges on the Community Feed, earn points to get on the Leaderboard, and view their friends’ challenges.”