Domestic Violence and HIV Brochure from NNEDV
NNEDV released a brochure covering domestic violence and its relationship with HIV. This brochure is available in both English and Spanish.
Safety Alert: Are you a victim or survivor looking for help? Check out these national, state, and local county resources. Your internet activity can be tracked. If you think someone is monitoring this device, please review these technology safety tips.
NNEDV released a brochure covering domestic violence and its relationship with HIV. This brochure is available in both English and Spanish.
OVC shared highlighted many resources in December 2020 around impaired driving prevention, financial support for victims of international terrorism, and confidential referrals for crime victims.
“All LGBTQ youth deserve access to spaces — such as homes, schools, and workplaces — that positively affirm their LGBTQ identity. Unfortunately, not all LGBTQ youth experience acceptance of their identity, and physical distancing policies implemented to minimize the health risks of the COVID-19 pandemic can disrupt access to existing affirming spaces.”
“Different kinds of elder abuse situations may need different kinds of prevention strategies. These are some examples (not an exhaustive list) of prevention strategies being implemented in many communities: Abuse Registries & Criminal Background Checks, Addressing Ageism, Advance Planning Tools, and Public Awareness”
“Child traumatic stress occurs when children and adolescents are exposed to traumatic events and this exposure overwhelms their ability to cope with what they have experienced.”
“This webinar explores strategies advocates have created to navigate the challenges of the pandemic, including issues of self-care, shortages of personal protective equipment, outreach, crisis response, shelter and law enforcement and justice systems responses.”
“Older African Americans experience crime and violence at the intersection of race, age, class and other identities. White supremacy doctrine and structural oppressions are omnipresent within social institutions in the United States and they are replicated within our social systems, including in the movement to end domestic violence.”
“The goal of this guide is to assist programs and advocates in supporting survivors who use substances by providing practical strategies embedded within an accessible, culturally responsive, and trauma-informed (ACRTI) approach.”
“This page includes information on the growing population of older adults in the U.S. and provides the following data about elder abuse: challenges in elder abuse research, research definitions, incidence and prevalence, risk factors, perpetrators, adults with disabilities, adults with dementia, residents of long-term care settings, general impact, and interventions.”
“This printable tool from EVAWI can help identify what languages someone speaks.”
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