January is Stalking Awareness Month
Learn more about stalking, facts and statistics, how to recognize stalking behavior, related forms of violence, and current state and federal legislation/statutes.
Safety Alert: Are you a victim or survivor looking for help? Check out these national, state, and local county resources. Your internet activity can be tracked. If you think someone is monitoring this device, please review these technology safety tips.
Learn more about stalking, facts and statistics, how to recognize stalking behavior, related forms of violence, and current state and federal legislation/statutes.
“This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act. Prior to the passage of the Act, the United States relied on traditional laws prohibiting involuntary servitude; however, these laws often fell short of addressing modern day forms of human trafficking.”
Over half of stalking offenders are current or former intimate partners. On average, intimate partner stalkers pose the greatest risks to their victims. In honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM), this webinar highlights the significant connections between stalking and intimate partner violence.
This guide provides an overview of stalking and suggestions on how to supervise probationers and parolees who engage in stalking behavior.
“This guide is intended to assist prosecutors in analyzing the elements of their stalking statute(s); recognizing stalking in cases where it has been employed by the offender in connection with some other criminal offense; appreciating the strategic value of charging stalking in cases where it is related to other criminal offenses; and more.”
In this webinar, you will meet Soledad, a 14-year-old girl who has recently been released from her first psychiatric hospitalization after an attempted suicide. This is Soledad’s first session scheduled by her welfare worker.
“OVC and OVC TTAC will discuss the five-year trend analysis of grantee data entered into the Trafficking Information Management System (TIMS) Online performance measures data. This unique data set provides insight from the largest federally-funded grantee pool and will provide critical context to improve identification and service delivery to survivors of human trafficking.”
This webinar will focus on the lived realities of the AfroLatina diaspora and the resiliency in the face of violence and various issues facing communities. Yvette will share her experience and learnings from the field to support survivors of violence staring with centering the experiences of AfroLatinas in Latin America and their experiences as immigrants within the context of the U.S. This webinar will explore the importance of both ethnic and racial identity within the Latino community.
This resource sheet lists power and control tactics that can be used against transgender victims as well as power and control tactics that can be used by transgender abusers.
An overview of the definition of abuse in later life. Video presenter: Bonnie Brandl. Produced by the National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life (NCALL) and Terra Nova Films.
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