Child Abuse: Protective Factors, ICWA, and ACEs

As we approach Child Abuse Prevention and Awareness month this year, we’re thinking about prevention and early intervention. From active efforts in the Indian Child Welfare Act to protective social factors, this month’s compilation includes webinars, articles, and more to consider about addressing and preventing child abuse and neglect. As always, please don’t hesitate to contact us if you’re looking for more!


ICWA Active Efforts as Prevention: Working Together for Better Outcomes

Capacity Building Center for Tribes

December 2020

Active efforts, a legal requirement included in the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA), is the gold standard of child welfare practice. Designed to keep families together, active efforts outline the actions caseworkers must take to prevent removals and prioritize reunification.

View this webinar


ICWA Placement Preferences

Capacity Building Center for Tribes


This brief from the Capacity Building Center for Tribes explains the law and regulations for following preferred placement preferences with ICWA cases.

Access the article

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ACEs: Risk and Protective Factors

May 2024

Center for Disease Control and Prevention

This web-article provides an accessible list of risk and protective factors as they relate to adverse childhood experiences. Risk factors can increase the risk of experiencing or perpetrating violence and protective factors can reduce the risk. Preventing adverse childhood experiences requires understanding and addressing risk and protective factors.

Access this article

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Michigan Child Welfare Information

Child Welfare Information Gateway

This page presents resources and information about Michigan. Information on State statutes related to a variety of child welfare topics, adoption and guardianship assistance, adoption contacts for Michigan, child welfare officials, adoption agencies, support groups, related organizations, more.

Access this website

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Social Connections Protective Factor Conversation Guide

Child Welfare Information Gateway


Protective Factors Conversation Guides aim to help service providers engage caregivers in personalized conversations about the protective factors.

View this guide

Looking for more resources on child abuse and neglect?

Looking for more resources on child abuse and neglect?

Check out last year’s resources on child abuse and neglect awareness, intervention, and prevention: Recognizing Child Abuse and Neglect