FAQs for SANEs Serving Patients on Campus

May 2020

Recording from IAFN

“Sexual assault on campus is a difficult process to navigate for victims and when they seek care from SANE programs, they may have questions about privacy that SANEs are not able to answer. In 2018 the Victim Rights Law Center (VRLC) in partnership with IAFN, developed a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) to assist SANEs with determining which federal laws apply to a campus victim’s sexual assault medical forensic exam records. During this webinar, Marissa Korbel from VRLC, and Angelita Olowu and Kim Day from IAFN will review the recently developed FAQ document for SANE. SANEs are very familiar with the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), but may not be as familiar with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Both of these laws may impact the patient’s privacy, and it is essential that SANEs who are providing care to patients on and from college campus’s understand this. These two laws will be outlined in this webinar and the frequently asked questions about them will be discussed.”

View the recording here (registration is required for viewing and is free)


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