Know It, Name It, Stop It: Public Awareness Workshop Run-through
This webinar is a recorded run-through of the campus version of SPARC’s “Know It, Name It, Stop It” public awareness curriculum to help prepare and guide facilitators.
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This webinar is a recorded run-through of the campus version of SPARC’s “Know It, Name It, Stop It” public awareness curriculum to help prepare and guide facilitators.
“This guide is intended to identify and reinforce fundamental principles and pest practices and to address some aspects of sexual assault investigations that are often overlooked or not properly documented.”
“The ACLU of Michigan and the Michigan Immigrant Rights Center have collected a series of policy proposals that cities, towns and counties can adopt in order to protect and support immigrants.”
“One of every 15 women in prison—amounting to more than 6,600 women—is serving a life sentence and nearly 2,000 of these have no chance for parole. … Many women serving extreme sentences were victims of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse long before they committed a crime.”
“Racial Equity Tools is designed to support individuals and groups working to achieve racial equity. This site offers tools, research tips, curricula, and ideas for people who want to increase their own understanding and to help those working toward justice at every level – in systems, organizations, communities, and the culture at large.”
This video is a great tool to consider when working with children. “Take a deep breath and learn to belly breathe with Rosita!”
“Black immigrants compose a significant percentage of both immigrant and Black populations in the U.S. overall. This report presents a statistical snapshot of the Black immigrant population, drawing upon recent studies and original analysis.”
“This Q&A provides information about federal civil rights laws that apply to domestic violence shelters and the services they provide to clients.”
“Native Americans have the highest rate of disability among all American ethnicities and racial groups. Practical considerations, as well as differing cultural viewpoints on disability, complicate this problem.”
“This brief uses data from The Trevor Project’s 2021 National Survey on LGBTQ Youth Mental Health to examine LGBTQ young people’s experiences and attitudes about sports.”
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