Michigan recently took a big step in the right direction when they officially became the second state in the nation to offer a confidential sexual assault helpline. This helpline offers around the clock support and resources to Michigan survivors.

The hotline is available to call 24/7 and has counselors ready to help at every hour of every day. The hotline is operated by the Michigan Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence (MCEDSV). The counselors, located in Okemos Michigan, have decorated their workspace with framed quotes from survivors of Larry Nassar.

This initiative was a team effort, but quickly put into operation thanks to Governor Rick Snyder, First Lady Sue Snyder, and Debi Cain who is the Director of Michigan’s Division of Victim Services and the Executive Director of the Michigan Domestic and Sexual Violence Prevention and Treatment Board.

Governor Snyder, when asked about the Larry Nassar scandal, said: “It was a horrific situation to have happened, so you wish it had never happened.” He also mentioned how the Nassar Scandal has helped the state learn about how to better support victims of sexual assault.

The highest incidence of sexual assault is recorded to be the first month to six weeks of the school year. Due to this fact, having an operational hotline for students when they returned to campus in the fall was the top priority. They successfully achieved this goal when the hotline was launched on August 31, 2018.

The hotline can be reached at 1-855-VOICES4.