Governor Whitmer Declares October 2020 Domestic Violence Awareness Month

October 1, 2020

“WHEREAS, domestic violence perpetrators intentionally use a pattern of physical, emotional, sexual, psychological, and/or economic coercion and abuse to control their intimate partners, violating their dignity, security, and both psychological and physical well-being; and,

WHEREAS, domestic violence perpetrators cause significant and long-lasting trauma to countless individuals and families; and,

WHEREAS, when children are involved, domestic violence perpetrators’ choices to be violent and abusive are parenting choices that often have devastating and far reaching adverse impacts on the safety and well-being of children and their non-offending parents; and,

WHEREAS, the 2018 Michigan State Police’s Incident Crime Report indicated there were 29,462 domestic violence offenses committed by current or former intimate partners reported to Michigan law enforcement during the year; and,

WHEREAS, members of the LGBTQ+ community reported levels of intimate partner violence equal to or higher than those who identify as heterosexual…”

Read the full proclamation here.