Responding to Housing Insecurity/Homelessness Issues for Indigenous Elders who are Victims of Domestic Violence

June 15, 2022

Recording from NIWRC


“These are not necessarily people who have mental illness or substance abuse issues, they are people being pushed into the streets by rising rents. Many of our elder relatives find themselves homeless because of domestic violence, elder abuse, divorce, loss of spouse or caregiver, loss of income, or a health crisis, especially during the pandemic. Our elders often have the greatest need for safe, accessible, and affordable housing. Partnerships between tribal housing authorities, housing programs, homeless service systems, and Older American Act Title VI Native American Aging Programs (Title VI programs) are finding ways to provide culturally relevant housing options that are affordable, accessible, and provide links to services. Please join this important webinar to learn more about responding to the needs of our elders who are experiencing housing insecurity and homelessness and what can be done.”

View this webinar recording here

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