Medicare Fraud Prevention Week Teaches Everyone How to Prevent Fraud
“A pattern of errors committed by a physician or provider could be considered a red flag of potential fraud or abuse if not corrected.”
Safety Alert: Are you a victim or survivor looking for help? Check out these national, state, and local county resources. Your internet activity can be tracked. If you think someone is monitoring this device, please review these technology safety tips.
“A pattern of errors committed by a physician or provider could be considered a red flag of potential fraud or abuse if not corrected.”
“Many of our elder relatives find themselves homeless because of domestic violence, elder abuse, divorce, loss of spouse or caregiver, loss of income, or a health crisis, especially during the pandemic. Our elders often have the greatest need for safe, accessible, and affordable housing.”
Like many of you, we love a good TV drama and take notice when crime victims are portrayed in the media. We’d like to take a moment to think about ways crime victim portrayals on TV can be connected to MiVAN resources that you can use in your advocacy practice!
This brief animated video will provide a foundational overview of , address common misconceptions, and introduce SAMHSA’s 6 key principles of a trauma-informed approach.
“Thankfully, there are programs available throughout the country to help homeless seniors find stable housing and meet other basic needs. Below, we provide information about these programs and how to find help.”
“The National Criminal Justice Training Center (NCJTC) of Fox Valley Technical College presents the Critical 3 Series, providing timely and crucial information from NCJTC’s most popular training offerings.”
“This fact sheet will provide an overview of the new Center, as well as information from our existing report on housing instability and homelessness for survivors of gender-based violence in our Indigenous Communities.”
“CDC’s latest National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS): 2016/2017 Report on Sexual Violence shows that sexual violence continues to be common, starts early, and people from some racial and ethnic minority groups are heavily burdened by sexual violence victimization.”
These 5 podcast episodes are a tool to better understand how to create a movement that addresses gender-based violence against all people while following the lead of the most marginalized among us.
For those informal leaders in the criminal justice field who want to lead from where they are at.
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