Stalking & Sexual Violence: Understanding the Intersections
“This webinar explores the intersection of stalking and sexual violence, focusing on similarities, co-occurrence, and strategies to support victims and survivors.”
Safety Alert: Are you a victim or survivor looking for help? Check out these national, state, and local county resources. Your internet activity can be tracked. If you think someone is monitoring this device, please review these technology safety tips.
“This webinar explores the intersection of stalking and sexual violence, focusing on similarities, co-occurrence, and strategies to support victims and survivors.”
“Here, I explore the online harassment I received as a disabled, female academic after successfully campaigning to remove the word midget from a popular brand of sweets.”
“Join part four of a four part panel discussion to learn more about grounding, a variety of techniques to ground, and what advocates can do to help survivors stay grounded.”
“In person and on the frontlines, workers, especially women of color and queer workers, have endured record amounts of harassment and discrimination while working through the pandemic, often on survival wages.”
“This session will provide an overview of the Environmental Crime Victim Assistance Program and address the unique victim identification and rights issues associated with environmental crimes.”
“This webcast will be a conversation between Safe Havens and Sarah Khan, Director of Programs at API-GBV.”
“This know-your-rights resource provides immigrants and their allies with accurate information so that immigrants can know their rights, understand the possible risks of participating in protests.”
“These outcomes have valuable practical use beyond reporting and can be used to support program communications, fundraising, and grant applications.”
“Experts will provide practical information about how you can incorporate a courthouse facility dog … into direct victim service programs.”
“Participants will learn about the scope of the crisis of the criminalization of survivors; ways that the criminal legal system causes, replicates, and perpetuates harm to victims, their families, and communities…”
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