Top 10 Financial Scams Targeting Seniors
“Scammers go after seniors because they believe older adults have a significant amount of money sitting in their accounts.”
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“Scammers go after seniors because they believe older adults have a significant amount of money sitting in their accounts.”
“Transgender and nonbinary youth’s ability to update identity documents to match their gender identity is significantly associated with lower suicide risk.”
“In this blog, I would like to describe my message and mission for this year’s World Elder Abuse Awareness Day campaign from the point of view of the up-and-coming generation.”
“Here, I explore the online harassment I received as a disabled, female academic after successfully campaigning to remove the word midget from a popular brand of sweets.”
“In person and on the frontlines, workers, especially women of color and queer workers, have endured record amounts of harassment and discrimination while working through the pandemic, often on survival wages.”
“This Specialty Institute will introduce the newly created Indigenous Safe Housing Center and offer important and timely presentations designed to address the spectrum of housing issues for Indigenous victim/survivors.”
“Reports of seriously considering suicide among LGBTQ youth respondents have increased from 40% to 42% to 45%”
“Online spaces and content can bring us a lot of joy, but they can also cause harm and pain. Here are some important things to remember about being trauma-informed online with ourselves, with others, and with the content we encounter.”
“The following list of key terms used in sex trafficking is published in Renting Lacy: A Story of America’s Prostituted Children by Linda Smith.”
“The purpose of this factsheet is to give a brief overview of the purposes and functions of child welfare from a national perspective.”
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