Survivor Law Clinic

“Survivor Law Clinic from MCEDSV seeks to make crime victims’ rights more meaningful for all Michigan victims. The Clinic provides the following services: Legal representation of crime victims to enforce their crime victims’ rights and mitigate the effects of victimization.”

Health Care for Non-Men in the Age of COVID-19

“Findings from the 2020 Guttmacher Survey of Reproductive Health Experiences, it was found that due to different disruption variables, COVID-19 will have “major consequences for reproductive health goals and behaviors, access to care and far beyond,” including exposure to IPV, particularly acts of sexual violence or reproductive control.”

national network to end domestic violence orange house logo

Transitional Housing Toolkit

This toolkit is meant to provide transitional housing providers with easy access to information and resources to enhance services to survivors. The information provided here addresses frequently asked questions, common challenges, best practices, templates for adaptation, and resources for additional information and assistance.