Trafficking Terms
“The following list of key terms used in sex trafficking is published in Renting Lacy: A Story of America’s Prostituted Children by Linda Smith.”
Safety Alert: Are you a victim or survivor looking for help? Check out these national, state, and local county resources. Your internet activity can be tracked. If you think someone is monitoring this device, please review these technology safety tips.
The empowerment, strength-based, trauma-informed, and culturally responsive approaches described in other resource sections provide a strong foundation of practice for any advocate. This section includes resources to help advocates apply these fundamental concepts to specific challenges and considerations for victims.
Opening the Door: An Advocate’s Guide to Housing and Sexual Violence
Detailed guide from the National Sexual Violence Resource Center.
Website for the federal Domestic Violence and Housing Technical Assistance Consortium that provides useful resources and tools to advance work at the critical intersection of domestic violence, sexual assault, homelessness, and housing.
Domestic Violence Housing First Toolkit
This toolkit is designed to provide materials and resources for organizations to use when developing or implementing the DVHF approach.
Creating Safe Housing Options for Survivors: Learning From and Expanding Research
This document provides a brief overview of the current and expanding evidence behind best practices in helping domestic violence survivors obtain safe and stable housing. It begins with evidence for three common core components of this work: mobile advocacy, flexible funding, and attending to safety. It then provides evidence for how services should be provided: survivor-driven, trauma-informed, and voluntary.
Real Life Resilience- Male Sexual Abuse Survivors- Shattering the Silence
Childhood sexual abuse leaves a lifelong scar. It is difficult for male survivors to discuss the matter in public because of social stigma. Cecil Murphey, speaker, blogger and author of books like ‘More than Surviving: Courageous Meditations for Men Hurting from Childhood Abuse’, helps survivors of male sexual abuse accept reality, share their pain with compassionate listeners, and believe in the fact that they are not alone in their suffering. Linked to Spotify, but available on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, or wherever you get your podcasts. [31 minutes]
Do-It-Yourself Personal Protection Order (PPO)
This is an excellent tool to walk victims through a PPO.
When the Batterer is a Law Enforcement Officer: A Guide for Advocates
Detailed guide from the Battered Women’s Justice Project to prepare advocates for the complexities victims face when their batterer is a police officer.
An inside look at the Larry Nassar case and how a team of women won a conviction in one of the largest serial sexual abuse cases in U.S. History. Linked to Spotify, but available on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, or wherever you get your podcasts. *Content Warning: Graphic descriptions of violence* [Nine 30-minute episodes]
People Fixing the World: Convicting More Rapists
Rapists often avoid conviction and people they’ve attacked can face a traumatic journey through the legal system. But special reporting centres and courts in South Africa are improving things. The country has set up Thuthuzela Centres which are named after a Xhosa word meaning comfort. The centres aim to create a safe, empathetic and comfortable environment where people who have been raped can get all the medical and legal care they need in one place. Linked to Spotify, but available on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, or wherever you get your podcasts. [23 minutes]
PreventConnect podcasts highlight prevention themes, new research, and the voices of practitioners who have been successful in implementation, and thoughtful in the development of effective sexual assault and domestic violence prevention strategies. [100+ 15+-minute episodes]
Addressing Patient Needs while Maintaining Boundaries: A Triggered Patient Seeks Physical Comfort
This webinar from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network presents a scenario where that illustrates the complexity of the therapeutic relationship and the balance therapists must achieve for effectively supporting traumatized patients while also maintaining healthy boundaries. NOTE: You must create an account to access this webinar. [90 minutes]
Sexual Violence in the Military: A Guide for Civilian Advocates
Detailed guide from the National Sexual Violence Resource Center.
Asylum Overview for Attorneys and Advocates (Part 1)
This is the first in a series of webinars by ASISTA about the process of helping survivors of domestic violence and/or sexual assault apply for asylum. It provides an overview of the asylum framework, helps participants with issue spotting and identifying red flags, discusses asylum’s intersections with other forms of relief (SIJS, T visa, etc.), and explains how teams of attorneys and advocates working together can best meet the holistic needs of survivors. [90 minutes]
Victim Advocate Guide: Intimate Partner Violence and Combat Experience
Guide from the Battered Women’s Justice Project preparing advocates to understand the stress reactions of people returning from combat and their relationship to IPV in order to provide effective information and referrals to victims whose partners have been exposed to the trauma of combat and are exhibiting violent or abusive behavior.
Empowering Survivors: Legal Rights of Immigrant Victims of Sexual Assault
Extensive manual that focuses on legal rights and options for immigrant survivors of sexual assault perpetrated by intimate partners, family members, acquaintances, employers, coworkers and strangers.
Victim Assistance Training Online (43 hours)
A foundational web-based victim assistance training program from the Office for Victims of Crime Training and Technical Assistance Center that offers victim service providers and allied professionals the opportunity to acquire the essential skills and knowledge they need to more effectively assist victims of crime. Victim Assistance Training Online has four sections: Basics, Core Competencies and Skills, Crimes, and Specific Considerations for Providing Victim Services.
A Scan of the Field: Learning About Serving Survivors of Human Trafficking – English
Guide from the National Latin@ Network detailing how domestic and sexual violence organizations serve human trafficking survivors.
Human Trafficking Task Force E-Guide
This e-Guide is a comprehensive source for law enforcement, victim service providers, and prosecutors for the latest findings, tools, and resources on all aspects of human trafficking. Developed in partnership by the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) and Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), this Guide is a resource to support established task forces and provide guidance to agencies that are forming task forces. Its purpose is to assist in the development and day to day operations of an anti-human trafficking task force and to provide fundamental guidance for effective task force operations.
A user-friendly e-learning tool that will teach victim service professionals and allied professionals knowledge and skills to more effectively serve victims of identity theft and assist with their financial and emotional recovery.
Getting Safe and Sober: Real Tools You Can Use
PDF manual for developing support groups for women coping with substance abuse, interpersonal violence and trauma.
TOOLKIT: Mental Health Coercion and Substance Use Coercion in the Context of Intimate Partner Violence
Toolkit for Screening, Assessment, and Brief Counseling in Primary Care and Behavioral Health Settings.
Advocating for Victims of Stalking (90 min)
This webinar addresses common tactics used by perpetrators, identifies stalking-specific risk assessment tools to better determine the level of threat to victims, identifies the intersection of stalking and sexual violence, and discusses effective safety planning strategies particular to survivors in rural areas.
Responding to Stalking: A Guide for Advocates
A guide from the Stalking Prevention, Awareness, and Resource Center for advocates to recognize stalking and best help victims by identifying stalking behaviors, creating safety plans, filing PPOs, and helping victims navigate the criminal and civil justice systems.
Online Elder Abuse Training for Legal Service Providers (4 hours)
Interactive Web-based training program for legal aid and civil attorneys has four modules that offer a variety of information, tools, and resources to identify and respond to elder abuse, including Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault, Financial Fraud and Exploitation, Ethical Issues and Practical Strategies, and What Every Legal Services Lawyer Needs to Know About Elder Abuse.
The Executive Office for United States Attorneys, in conjunction with the Department of Justice’s Elder Justice Initiative, presents this webinar as part of the effort to provide training on elder abuse for prosecutors, victim specialists, law enforcement, and others. A panel of experts shares their experiences working with elderly victims and advice for those hoping to serve elderly victims better.
Polyvictimization in Later Life (6 hours)
Web-based training presented in five modules. The purpose of the training is to strengthen awareness of polyvictimization in later life and to provide knowledge and skills of professionals to address the needs of victims. The training addresses the context of polyvictimization; victims and perpetrators of polyvictimization; best practices to work with older adults affected by polyvictimization using trauma-informed, ethical, and culturally appropriate practices; and the latest research and best practices to serve this population.
Serving Teen Survivors: A Manual for Advocates
Manual from the National Sexual Violence Resource Center that provides an overview of the unique issues facing young people who are sexual violence survivors. Also included are tip sheets on working with teen survivors, information on confidentiality and mandated reporting laws, information on the teen brain, an annotated bibliography of recent research, and more.
Reaching and Serving Teen Victims: A Practical Handbook
Guide from the National Center for Victims of Crime on the unique barriers facing teen victims of all crimes.
Linking the Roads: Working with Youth Who Experience Homelessness & Sexual Violence
A guide from the National Sexual Violence Resource Center that focuses on adapting advocacy skills to help young people who experience homelessness and sexual violence build resiliency and lessen their traumas. It has three aims: (a) to provide an overview for the intersections between identity, trauma experiences, and resiliency among youth who are homeless; (b) to highlight core skills and techniques for advocates; and (c) to discuss how to tailor these skills in order to improve services for youth who identify as LGBTQ.
Working with Older Survivors of Abuse: A Framework for Advocates
Toolkit from the National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life providing a brief overview of elder abuse and abuse in later life, descriptions of seven key guiding principles as well as minimum guidelines and practice strategies for advocates to consider in their work with older survivors.
Runaway and Homeless Youth and Relationship Violence Toolkit
Toolkit from the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence developed by and for advocates in the runaway and homeless youth and domestic and sexual assault fields to help programs better address relationship violence with runaway and homeless youth.
Resources for Supporting Children Exposed to DV
Domestic Violence and Children: Questions and Answers for Domestic Violence Project Advocates
This fact sheet was developed in collaboration with domestic violence project advocates from across the country who brought questions they struggle with daily in their work with families. This guide aims to enhance advocates’ understanding of how domestic violence affects children and aid in the crucial contributions advocates make to family recovery. [NCTSN, 12 pages]
Tips for Supporting Children and Youth Exposed to Domestic Violence: What you Might See and What You Can Do
This tipsheet is a starting place for understanding how advocates can better support children who have been exposed to violence in their homes and how to support parents to help their children cope more adaptively with trauma-related responses [NCDVTMH, 3 pages]
Honor Our Voices: A Guide for Practice When Responding to Children Exposed to Domestic Violence
Guide to increase the awareness and sensitivity of shelter advocates to the needs of children by providing insight into domestic violence through the eyes and voices of children, with suggestions for promising ways of enhancing services for children exposed to domestic violence [Center for Advanced Studies in Child Welfare, MN Center Against Violence and Abuse, Avon Foundation for Women, 38 pages]
The Needs of Children in Domestic Violence Shelters
Provides information on how trauma from domestic violence impacts children, and how best to serve these children’s needs, including the behavioral and mental health impact of domestic violence on children and parents, ways to teach positive parenting skills, assessment tools, and resources specifically for service providers working with families. [Center for Child and Family Health, 52 pages]
What Is Child Welfare? A Guide for Domestic Violence Services Advocates
This guide provides an overview of basic child welfare services, describes how domestic violence services and child welfare professionals can support one another’s efforts in working with families, and lists resources for more information. [Children’s Bureau from U.S. DHHS, 4 pages]
A Resilience Framework for Domestic Violence and Adverse Childhood Experiences
Toolkit based on best-practices on using a healing-centered approach to examine the connection between domestic violence and other childhood adversities within a resilience framework that focuses on strengths and skills [Dr. Linda Chamberlain, 65 pages]
The Connection Between Batterers and Child Sexual Abuse Perpetrators
Article outlining the overlap between domestic violence and child sexual abuse, detailing specific behavioral patterns to assist in understanding the nature of both problems and how they can interact [Lundy Bancroft]
Resources for Supporting Parents with Children Exposed to DV
Advocacy Beyond Leaving: Helping Battered Women in Contact with Current or Former Partners, a Guide for Domestic Violence Advocates
Using the familiar and concrete framework of woman-defined advocacy, this guide explains advocates’ important role in safety planning and offers practical suggestions when victims are in contact with current or former partners, including advocacy for children’s safety and well-being. [NRCDV and Futures Without Violence, 36 pages]
Guide for Engaging and Supporting Parents Affected by Domestic Violence
This guide is designed for staff in domestic violence programs and provides practical guidance for supporting parents affected by domestic violence in their parenting. Using core principles and strategies, the guide helps frame an approach that is aimed at enhancing parenting capacities and strengthening parent-child bonds. Through self-guided questions, reflection, and real-life examples, this guide offers a pathway for deepening our engagement with parents and holding sensitive conversations in the context of our relationships. [NCDVTMH, 46 pages]
Advocacy Matters: Helping Mothers and their Children Involved with the Child Protection System
Many women who have experienced domestic violence are also involved with the child protection system (CPS). Most are poor, and a disproportionate number are women of color, both immigrant and U.S. born. Being involved with CPS can be frightening, overwhelming and confusing for them. And as an advocate, you may feel as helpless as the women you are trying to assist. This guidebook is intended to understand a woman’s situation and help her navigate the road to safety, well-being, and self-sufficiency. [Family Violence Prevention Fund, 12 pages]
Other Children and DV Resources
Promising Futures: Best Practices for Serving Children, Youth, and Parents Experiencing Domestic Violence
[Futures Without Violence funded by U.S. DHHS, website]
Safe and Together Institute
Internationally recognized suite of tools and interventions designed to help child welfare professionals become domestic violence-informed
Promoting the Best Outcomes for Children in Domestic and Family Violence Cases
[Safe & Together Institute, 90 min]
Children Who Experience Intimate Partner Femicide: Their Responses and Needs
[BWJP, 90 min]
“The following list of key terms used in sex trafficking is published in Renting Lacy: A Story of America’s Prostituted Children by Linda Smith.”
“Individuals working in certain professions (school faculty and employees, counselors, medical providers, law enforcement, clergy, child care and social workers, and more) are required…
“The purpose of this factsheet is to give a brief overview of the purposes and functions of child welfare from a national perspective.”
“If an employer or co-worker sexually harasses you at work, there are laws that can protect you.”
“SOAR Online is designed to educate health care providers, social workers, public health professionals, and behavioral health professionals on how to identify and respond…
“The criminals who carry out romance scams are experts at what they do and will seem genuine, caring, and believable. Con artists are present…
“This brief focuses on best practices and innovative strategies that child welfare and family violence advocates can implement to form stronger support networks for…
“The goal is to raise awareness of the barriers and challenges staff and clients from traditionally marginalized communities may experience within established systems as…
Hear from “Esperanza United’s youth leaders about the challenges and successes of working with youth throughout the pandemic.”
“Common misconceptions surrounding stalking, including how abusers are misusing technology. She also shares available resources for OVW grantees as well as the public to…
“In honor of National Stalking Awareness Month, this session will provide practical strategies for building stalking into a coordinated community response.”
“Guest host Arlene Vassell speaks to three community leaders working to improve the lives of Black and Brown youth in their communities.
“An evidence-based, multi-level prevention program for middle school students on sexual harassment and precursors to dating violence.”
“Discussion will include the intersection of intergenerational trauma and the modern occurrence of dating and intimate partner violence in Indian Country.”
“This webinar will highlight the unique challenges faced by medical providers and investigators when working with children who have histories or suspected histories of…
“In this webinar, the presenters will examine the ways in which sex and labor trafficking may intersect, emphasizing the complex nature of human exploitation.”
“It’s important that partners feel comfortable expressing their wants, goals, fears, and limits, and everyone’s boundaries are honored. That means everyone feels comfortable communicating…
“These are visual representations of the signs and symptoms of strangulation in adults and children. While visible signs may be present, symptoms represent injuries…
April is Child Abuse Prevention and Awareness month. In recognition, MiVAN has pulled together a selection of trainings, resources, and articles for advocates who…
“This factsheet introduces the limited sex trafficking data that exists specifically related to Black women and girls, which indicates that we are disproportionately at…
This collection of scenarios provide examples of situations that may come up in a young person’s life and provides information on how one could…
“This brochure is offered to Native youth and young adults to give some direction and information about healthy relationships. It is also about recognizing…
“LBGTQ+ individuals are more likely than heterosexual and cisgender individuals to experience stalking victimization.”
“This webinar discusses signs of elder abuse and neglect and how health care providers can identify and respond to potential older victims.”
“Featuring Felix Martinez-Paz, our Mens & Boys Engagement Manager, and Pheng Thao, Statewide Coordinator at Minnesota Men and Masculine Folk Network.”
“Three years ago, as 86-year-old Evelyn was cooking dinner for herself and her 60-year-old son, Manny, who lived in the apartment next door, the…
Looking for resources around advocacy in cases involving strangulation? Check out these resources connecting strangulation and domestic violence, signs and symptoms of strangulation, and…
“1 in 10 undergraduate women and 1 in 33 undergraduate men are victims of stalking.”
“This Teen Dating Violence Awareness & Prevention Month (TDVAM) webinar explores the impact of mandatory reporting on domestic violence survivors, highlighting unique impacts for…
“Human trafficking, at its most basic level, is the exploitation of a person’s vulnerability to gain something of value. When we look at marginalized…
“Sexual violence within teen dating relationships is very real. Oftentimes teens are made to feel as if sexual contact is “no big deal” or…
“This webinar is an overview of facts and statistics regarding children/youth who may have experienced sexual abuse. How the impact of the trauma can…
“What may seem like an error to the beneficiary may simply be the result of a misunderstanding about benefits. It may also be abuse,…
“This tool was specifically designed with people with developmental disabilities in mind. The wheel lists some abusive behaviors, as well as positive behaviors, shown…
“The presenter will discuss the mental health issues as well as define the issues that prevents the individual from healing and having healthy relationships.”
“This webinar explores how faith can be both a barrier and a resource for older victims and how partnerships between service providers and faith…
“This webinar features subject matter experts who share practical guidance and insights on how to create inclusive environments, practices and policies that support transgender…
“This webinar discusses survivor-centered strategies for advocates and attorneys who work with older victims as they navigate the court system.”
“In the topical and much-discussed arena of guardianship, a setting rife with the possibility of abuse, Eldercaring coordination has emerged as a meaningful intervention.”
“The Sex Trafficking in Indian Country: Victim/Survivor Resource is intended to provide Tribal Coalitions with basic information on sex trafficking as it impacts Native…
“January 2022 marks the eighteenth annual National Stalking Awareness Month (NSAM), an annual call to action to recognize and respond to the serious crime…
“Join panelists from American Indian and Alaska Natives communities as they offer insight and answer participant questions on the intersection between child welfare, human…
“This webinar highlights strategies and tools to create and elevate discourse on stalking.”
“The National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center (NIWRC) uplifts the tireless work of Native advocates and programs as we work together to shine a light…
“NSVRC’s Laura Palumbo and Sally J. Laskey talk with Dr. Julie Sweetland, Senior Advisor at the FrameWorks Institute, about her 2021 report, Reframing Childhood…
“When it comes to sexual assault, abuse, and harassment, men are taught to not identify as victims… This type of socialization depicts victimization as…
“This resource examines the unique dynamics and barriers that older survivors of domestic abuse experience and offers recommendations for tailored service and systems responses…
“Some advocates may be mandatory reporters. This series of information sheets provides an overview of mandatory reporting obligations.”
“This virtual TA session will expose the nature of sex trafficking of Native people in reservation, rural, urban and village communities.”
“This survey tool, available in both English and Spanish, was developed to assist communities and professionals working with older adults to determine what services…
This webinar is a recorded run-through of the campus version of SPARC’s “Know It, Name It, Stop It” public awareness curriculum to help prepare…
This video is a great tool to consider when working with children. “Take a deep breath and learn to belly breathe with Rosita!”
“This webinar features subject matter experts who share practical guidance and insights on how to create inclusive environments, practices and policies that support transgender…
“In this piece, we provide background on various aspects of Amish life as well as specific suggestions regarding child abuse and neglect.”
“This webinar explores the prevalence and dynamics of non-intimate partner stalkers, including strategies to assess risk and plan for victim safety.”
“While the COVID-19 pandemic exposed just how widespread ageism is in our society, the National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA) leaned into the interdependence…
“This webinar provides an introduction to the crime of stalking, focusing on the definition, prevalence, dynamics, behaviors and intersections with other crimes (including intimate…
“This article shares the lessons learned from the testimonies of the survivors, advocates and experts and offers recommendations for programmatic responses to better serve…
“The card provides information on healthy relationships and sex, guidance and resources for support, how to help a friend, and cultural and religious factors…
“More than 70% of female restaurant employees have been sexually harassed, one recent survey found, and half experience sexual harassment on a weekly basis,…
“This two-part webinar serves as a primer for community stakeholders, advocates, researchers, and service providers who may interface with Latino sexual assault survivors.”
“Created by the University of Michigan Human Trafficking Collaborative, this video tells the stories of human trafficking survivors.”
“This one-hour event will prepare supervisors to build the confidence of new staff members. Learn how to set your staff up for success in…
This webinar provides an overview of how COVID-19 impacts domestic violence and child sexual abuse victims. It also shares strategies…
“Most domestic violence shelters are unable to accommodate pets. And, as anyone who has loved a companion animal will tell you, it can be…
“The CDC estimates that 1 in 6 men have been sexually victimized at some point. It’s a largely silent epidemic despite revelations of abuse…
“We are excited to share the third installment in our research series on Teen Dating Violence and Intersectionality featuring Nancy Nava, Research and Evaluation…
“NSVRC’s Evaluation Coordinator Sally Laskey talks with clinical psychologist and researcher Dr. Sabrina Liu about how community-level protective factors — conditions that may reduce…
“This webinar focuses on the key considerations needed to enhance outreach efforts to Latino male survivors of sexual violence. Attendees will be equipped with…
“IHS, in collaboration with OIG, has established a new, centralized hotline dedicated to receiving reports of sexual abuse in IHS. This special hotline provides:…
In this resource, you will find: an overview of abuse in later life and the unique challenges it poses for older survivors and service…
“To learn more about how programs provide services to men, we identified several programs that reported higher-than-average rates of male survivors served with this…
“Institute training objectives: As a result of this training, participants will be better able to: Provide survivor-centered advocacy and representation to victims of domestic…
“In part three of the Enhancing Services to Male Survivors Series, the presenters engage in a discussion about how to meaningfully support survivors of…
“Women survivors from diverse racial and cultural backgrounds also report more hesitation to utilize traditional DV programs. Further, LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and…
“During this session we will discuss a general overview of definitions, recruitment tactics, survivor realities and the role advocates and services providers can offer…
“During this webinar, participants will learn about the prevalence of sexual harassment in agriculture, the legal process for making complaints about workplace harassment and…
“This webinar will introduce the Department of Homeland Security’s Blue Campaign, a national public awareness campaign, designed to educate the public, law enforcement and…
“Presenters will discuss the findings and policy implications, along with promising actions that researchers, practitioners, and advocates can take to advance science and best…
“She explains how the abuse of elders is a form of power and control and elaborates on the complexities that may arise for elders…
“Children under the age of 18 may be exposed to abuse and neglect by a parent, caregiver, or another person in a custodial role…
“This webinar focuses on how victim service providers, law enforcement and prosecutors can engage with older adults who have experienced sexual violence, including adults…
“Youth violence is an adverse childhood experience and is connected to other forms of violence, including child abuse and neglect, teen dating violence, adult…
“Elder abuse is an intentional act, or failure to act, by a caregiver or another person in a relationship involving an expectation of trust…
“Contrary to a common misperception, women are not the only ones who can experience domestic violence: American Indian and Alaska Native men report high…
“This webinar provides an introduction to the crime of stalking, focusing on the definition, prevalence, dynamics, behaviors and intersections with other crimes (including intimate…
“The Global report on ageism outlines a framework for action to reduce ageism including specific recommendations for different actors. It brings together the best…
“This FAQ card provides attorneys and advocates with a starting point for researching common privacy issues that impact victims of domestic violence, sexual assault,…
“This webinar explores the intersection of stalking and sexual violence, focusing on similarities, co-occurrence and strategies to support victims and survivors.”
“To shift this unequal balance and work toward more just and meaningful dispositions, prosecutors have cultivated the technical, legal, and scientific proficiency necessary to…
“By design, this community outreach program connects the sheriff’s office with the older Americans in our community. A comprehensive home visit is conducted by…
“In this blog post, I will take a closer look at the ways ageism creates a culture that not only tolerates and ignores elder…
“We connect LGBT older people who want to talk with friendly responders who are ready to listen.”
“Although I do not have control over the violent behavior of another, I do have a choice about how to respond and how to…
“This webinar describes the importance of using a trauma-informed approach to supporting survivors of sex trafficking with disabilities and provide attendees with skills to…
“Make a difference in the lives of the Asian and Pacific Islander teens and young adults you serve by learning how to recognize and…
“The narrative about the physical and mental decline associated with aging is deeply embedded in American culture. Institutional ageism may be defined as the…
“This technical package represents a select group of strategies based on the best available evidence to help communities and states sharpen their focus on…
“During the workshop guest speakers will provide a general overview of elder abuse, its forms and how to report it, how to address financial…
Providing Effective Services to Young Men and Boys of Color provides best practices for working with young men and boys of color who are…
Information is provided on the occurrence of abuse, isolation as a risk factor, issues affecting help seeking, and tips for working with LGBT elders.
This session identifies effective collaboration strategies that leverage culturally specific resources on behalf of survivors; explains the overlap between human trafficking, domestic violence, and…
Victim advocates can help victims devise a safety plan, navigate the criminal justice system, assert their rights as crime victims, and obtain the services…
Join Framework to learn about key elements in the design of successful labor trafficking outreach materials—including values-based messaging, language, imagery, mediums, and worker and…
This brief focuses on mandated reporting of abuse of older adults and adults with disabilities to Adult Protective Services (APS).
Of the existing literature, it is clear that institutional racism across the lifespan and correlates of economic deprivation, social injustice, and health disparities expose…
The Housing and Economic Mobility Toolkit contains four documents intended to provide guiding principles for serving survivors of human trafficking, strategies for…
This brief focuses on the association of physical dating violence and suicide attempts among LGBTQ youth, as well as LGBTQ youth reporting…
Violence is preventable. We can all help young people grow up violence-free.
“This factsheet by the CDC defines teen dating violence, provides statistics about teens in the US, and discusses what people can do to stop…
The panel of Indigenous 2SLGBTQ youth present an integral call to action modeling the necessity of youth leadership in initiatives impacting their lives.
This PreventConnect podcast discusses ways mainstream agencies and organizations can support youth leadership year round to prevent teen dating violence and other forms of…
This publication provides background information about Two-Spirited Elders, reviews the effects of colonization, discusses health care gaps and financial resources, and overviews connections…
This session presented by The National Center on Elder Abuse will showcase free available tools to combat elder exploitation, including mobile apps, databases, trainings,…
“Talking Circle” Q&A Summary Human trafficking impacts tribal people more than most of us realize with traffickers preying on vulnerabilities such as jurisdiction, prosecution,…
Understanding Adolescent Brain Development in Teen Dating Violence Cases March 29, 3:00-4:30pm EST National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges Link to view…
This fact sheet provides common reactions children and families may be experiencing after a mass violence event…
“The Abuse in Later Life Education Series for Advocates consists of 20 instructional video clips featuring national experts discussing key topics advocates encounter when…
“The purpose of the Human Trafficking Action Research Toolkit is to provide information, strategies, tools, and other resources to help organizations and programs understand…
“From a learning theory perspective, research on arts integrated learning has shown benefits related to memory and recall; engagement; and may provide a relaxed…
“Respect Effect is an app that encourages young people to build healthy relationship skills by completing daily challenges with their significant others, friends, and…
“This series presents on children with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and their experiences of traumatic events at a rate that is at least equal…
“The new Human Trafficking Toolkit offers advocates the ability to better plan for, recognize, and support survivors of human trafficking. This toolkit presents an…
“This video addresses basic issues in trauma-informed care for children with IDD. Presenters provide an overview of the challenges and strengths these children often…
“This summary report describes seven guiding principles with minimum guidelines and practical strategies for domestic and sexual violence advocates and programs to consider when…
“This video highlights the work of La Clínica de La Raza in Oakland, California. Staff share their experiences working with unaccompanied and immigrant youth,…
“February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. On this episode of Collectively Speaking, we’re discussing dating and healthy relationships with 13-year-old Mahadia and 13…
This factsheet is a collection of information and statistics on dating abuse and sexual assault affecting API teens and youth, including terminology, deeper dives…
“This webinar, offered on January 31, 2020, by NCALL and SPARC, The Stalking Prevention, Awareness, and Resource Center examines stalking in the context of…
“Studies show the causes of elder abuse to be wide-ranging—and not necessarily an outcome of caregiver stress. Seeing caregiver stress as a primary cause…
“In this increasingly digital age, NCALL is pleased to offer our newly revised toolkit, Tech Safety + Older Adults, aimed at helping older adults…
“NCALL is pleased to share this new resource for faith leaders and faith communities. Developed in partnership with Safe Havens Interfaith Partnership Against Domestic…
“This webinar will discuss the unique role of shelter in a coordinated community response to elder abuse, describe the evolution and growth of their…
“A study reviewing data from the National Violence Against Women Survey found that older adults were almost as likely as younger people to be…
“Building from what trafficking survivors have taught us, this webinar discusses how to identify survivors, how past experience of help-seeking can influence current attempts,…
This one-page flowchart depicts the process and many stages that occur after a report of elder abuse is received by Adult Protective Services.
The Abuse in Later Life Power and Control Wheel depicts common abuser tactics which can be used to establish and maintain power and control…
“Older victims often experience shame, pain, economic loss, spiritual and physical anguish, institutionalization, and poor quality of life. Studies suggest that older adults exposed…
“Different kinds of elder abuse situations may need different kinds of prevention strategies. These are some examples (not an exhaustive list) of prevention strategies…
“Child traumatic stress occurs when children and adolescents are exposed to traumatic events and this exposure overwhelms their ability to cope with what they…
“Older African Americans experience crime and violence at the intersection of race, age, class and other identities. White supremacy doctrine and structural oppressions are…
“This page includes information on the growing population of older adults in the U.S. and provides the following data about elder abuse: challenges in…
“An overview of the unique issues faced by older survivors and the lack of services for victims ages 50 – 62 years old. Video…
This resource sheet from National Child Traumatic Stress Network provides external resources related to National Slavery and Human Trafficking Awareness Month.
Learn more about stalking, facts and statistics, how to recognize stalking behavior, related forms of violence, and current state and federal legislation/statutes.
“This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act. Prior to the passage of the Act, the United States relied on traditional…
Over half of stalking offenders are current or former intimate partners. On average, intimate partner stalkers pose the greatest risks to their victims. In…
This guide provides an overview of stalking and suggestions on how to supervise probationers and parolees who engage in stalking behavior.
“This guide is intended to assist prosecutors in analyzing the elements of their stalking statute(s); recognizing stalking in cases where it has been employed…
An overview of the definition of abuse in later life. Video presenter: Bonnie Brandl. Produced by the National Clearinghouse on Abuse in Later Life…
In 2019, Polaris worked on 11,500 situations of human trafficking reported to the Polaris-operated U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline. These situations involved 22,326 individual…
Adult Protective Services is a social service program authorized by law in every state to receive and investigate reports of elder or vulnerable adult…
On June 7, 2018, NCALL and the Canadian Association of Retired Persons (CARP) hosted a 90-minute webinar in recognition of World Elder Abuse Awareness…
The data showed that of the approximately 8,000 labor trafficking cases identified between December 2007 and December 2017, the highest number of cases involved domestic work. That…
Everyone has a role to play in knowing, naming and stopping stalking. The curriculum includes a facilitator’s guide, script, powerpoint slides, handouts, videos, and…
“Our communities are like structures that support people’s safety and wellbeing. One of the most important ways we can all contribute to this ongoing…
“This recorded 5-part webinar series is presented by NCALL and the ABA Commission on Domestic & Sexual Violence. Viewers will learn about a range…
“Our grandmother lives in a bustling retirement community and, before COVID-19, she had a thriving social life. She often had visitors over to her apartment,…
“The Center offers free coaching and mentoring to organizations and federally recognized tribes looking to start, sustain, or grow their anti-trafficking work. It offers…
“In commemoration of the 20th anniversary, the Office for Victims of Crime launched this art initiative—Represent Resilience—to feature original artwork by survivors, advocates, and anti-trafficking…
“You have no control over the stalker’s behavior and are not responsible for what they do. However, it can be useful to think of steps…
“This webinar will focus on building a coordinated response to stalking, both within the legal system and beyond, and will promote the education and…
“This webinar will provide insights and guidance for how to navigate working with multiple survivors involved in the same case. It will touch on…
“This webinar will address how to protect and better serve Black survivors of sex trafficking and other forms of sexual exploitation, with a specific…
“This webinar addresses the impact adultification has on children who experience trauma with an emphasis on black girls.”
“This webinar highlights the newly updated “Know It, Name It, Stop It” scripted public awareness program from SPARC and provides tools and strategies to…
This resource reviews what financial abuse is, what a healthy financial relationship looks like, safety and finances, protection orders, and other considerations.
This resource document from SPARC reviews an understanding of stalking and its impact on victims; the advocates role in assisting victims such as safety…
“This webinar will provide insight and guidance for navigating data collection and program evaluation efforts for human trafficking programs. It will also touch on…
“This guideline seeks to help the trauma practitioner identify victims of abuse that present with physical injury and to initiate treatment and reporting.”
This factsheet provides statistics and information on domestic violence, dating and sexual violence among Native Hawaiian youth, DV-related homicide, dynamics in lesbian relationships, and…
“While the Covid-19 pandemic can limit survivor options and exacerbate victims’ isolation, stalkers may exploit health concerns and social distancing to continue or even…
“Breaking Barriers: Improving Services for LGBTQ Human Trafficking Victims… provides valuable recommendations to service providers and criminal justice professionals so that they may be…
“By developing good relationships and establishing trust with victims and victim advocates — and by involving them in the investigation, reporting, and prosecution phases…
This webinar will examine the complexities of human trafficking and the challenges survivors face when deciding whether or not to obtain a protection order.…
This training is a user-friendly e-learning tool that will teach victim service professionals and allied professionals knowledge and skills to more effectively serve victims…
This webinar recording provided by the Office for Victims of Crime is an interactive Web-based training program for legal aid and civil attorneys has…
Human trafficking, also known as trafficking in persons, is a crime that involves the exploitation of a person for the purpose of compelled sex…
“The training addresses the context of polyvictimization; victims and perpetrators of polyvictimization; best practices to work with older adults affected by polyvictimization using trauma-informed,…
Attorney General Barr announced $35,104,338 in funding to 73 organizations in 34 states to provide safe, stable housing and appropriate services to victims of…
The Financial Abuse Toolkit from NNEDV provides a multitude of helpful resources to aid survivors and advocates, including general resources about financial abuse, a…
National Elder Fraud Hotline 833–372–8311 To help combat fraud against older Americans and provide services to victims, OVC announces the launch of the…
DocuSAFE Resource from National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) DocuSAFE is a free app that helps survivors collect, store, and share evidence…
Understanding Human Trafficking This webinar is hosted by the Office for Victims of Crime Summary: OVC invites victim service providers, allied professionals, and interested…
The website currently includes a list of 35 EAFRTs or domestic violence fatality review teams that review some elder deaths in 13 states. Twenty-four…
Children Advocacy Centers of Michigan (CACMI) is an organization with a powerful vision. Their mission is to unify and strengthen Michigan’s response to child…
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